Thursday 6 March 2014

The Magical thoughts three

"A penny for your thoughts" he said, looking at her with those emotional uncertain eyes she had gotten to know him with. There was no beginning or ending to those thoughts mixed with uncertainties, pain, happiness, and a dying need to find answers, answers which were not forthcoming and if there ever was any, it was unsatisfactory. She blinked for a while and smiled, that smile that had captured his heart... That smile that made him melt, it was amazing how he will light up when she smiled . It just gave him this unexplained joy to see her brighten up because of him. But it was different this time, she was avoiding his questions again, he just wished she could give him the chance to show her that she was safe with him. So he looked on uncertain, hoping perhaps she will change her mind and tell him this time, surprise him this time... "You're mature... You're very mature... I love that. Its beautiful". He did not want to upset her, those words were beautiful too, she was perfect with that. She had a way of making him forget anger and questions too with those words that will make him feel fulfilled farther than he could think. The moon had left the caress of the tree now... But it had left its mark; this view became somewhat supernatural, heavenly. It became something that might define the remaining part of their lives for all eternity.