Monday 14 April 2014


April surrounds itself with different ideologies, different schools of thought roaming like the stubborn children finding comfort in disturbing the peace of the neighborhood- while I sit in the comfort of my room to write this. And so, my April begins with series of thoughts, thoughts that have been formed into words, words that have become the very soul of existence- that have become life. And so, April begins with Kunbi Black. Sweetheart, we do not know so much but here is one thing that we are certain of; we know you can see us. And we know you are listening to the echoes of our emotions, which in all sincerity have become deep beyond my imagination. I cannot on my own explain how deep these emotions are, only that they have clouded me and brought me to you. I must say that I am deeply hurt to hear that you cry and nag all the time at Angel Michael, telling him that we do not love you. Telling him that we do not want you. Heaven sees my heart. And I say this in all honesty that your mother and I do love you. But sweetheart I wish for many things, things that are impossible on this earth. I wish I could fast-forward time. I wish your mother was not sixteen. I wish I was not a few years older. We talk about you each day of our lives and sometimes we get so engrossed that we are almost a meter close to bringing you down. But then we stop and ask ourselves what the hell are we getting into? We are not ready to set you free and then watch you suffer Sweetheart, my eyes cannot behold it. We love you too much to take you away from Angel Michael, where you get to eat almost every time, to a world where your chances of eating once a day are very slim. For Christ’s sake child, we are but mere students who have grandparents, uncles and aunties looking up to us. Looking forward to a life better than theirs, a life where with our first class at hand, we get a good job, get married and then, bring you home. Bringing you into this cruel world now will simply shatter all of their dreams, hopes and aspirations for us. So my darling daughter, I want you to know that we do love you so much and sincerely wish to have you. However, there are rules that must be followed, there are conditions that must be met and above all, is a supreme being that must not turn his back on us all. We love you and extremely look forward to that day you would come home finally, thank you so much dear because we believe that you have understood these words. Mum and Dad.