Saturday 2 May 2015


Myidlepen had been really idle now for months and finally, I remembered it while meditating. I may say that this May may be a beautiful one after all with new write ups and writing techniques. Here's a little something for May and you.

"Are you in it now? In that world"
"What world?"
"The little world that forms specks of lights before your very eyes"
"You dream again don't  you?"
"How do you define a dream when right now we are not real and our real selves have been enclosed in this body, this mortality"
"What body?"
"Your body"
"My body?"
"Our body"
"I do not understand."
"Oh its only you that do not. I do"
"Because I am your mind and you're a mortal" 
"Shut up"
" I would... Only if you desire for me to kill myself"
"But you cannot die without me dying first"
"And then we would be immortals"
"Shut up"
This time he said it loudly in the board meeting and all eyes flashed at him in anger, in surprise, in wonder, and in confusion.
"Did you just demand that the CEO should shut it?" The assistant asked with cold stoned eyes.
He stared in disbelief and excitement
"Yes I just did" he replied
There was silence again and the members stared at his mouth, eyes, face. He listened to himself in horror. It couldn't have been his mouth but it transformed into a smile and then a frown and then a pause. His forehead sweating he stood and said
"Yes. I said it because I do not see sense in what he is saying. I do not believe this plan would work and I do not understand why we do not focus on one thing rather you make us focus on so many things that we do not focus anymore... We just float"
" You float eh?" The CEO said as he sat up and all 10 fingers touched the table.
"What again?"
"I do not agree with what you just did but I concur"
" Seriously... Not right now"
" I understand. You have been promoted"
Into what? The imaginary immortality being code land?"
"What does that mean?"
"I should be asking you... You're the mind"
"Oh... I mean you have been promoted"
"Shut up"
"I thought about what you said and I realized how true it is. For that you would be my chief Adviser". The CEO said.
He smiled. He just did get promoted in the real world...  and the other.