Sunday 7 July 2013

strange grounds

It was a lovely evening, one of those days you could get away with even though there was a bunch of workload to return to. A test on one of the mosr dreaded courses in the English department was on its way but my friend and I could not help but go for a christian show which we left soon enough for our place of abode after the praise-worship section was over.I walked briskly to where the cab park was in   school only to find the place totally deviod of cabs. The only thing found solace in was the queue waiting for cabs. curious to know whether they were all going my way, walked towards the queue searching for the most friendly looking  face. And there he was, a tall dark skinned huge boy, or perhaps a young looking old man; my first thought at the sight of his stomach was beer. "Goodevening sorry are you going to the campus ? i asked. "Yes most definately" he replied with a well composed voice. How we got into a friendly discussion was unexplainable. We talked like we have known each other a long time ago even though we had other things in mind. He talked nervously and seemed like someone who hoped for something to cling unto.And in all the words he spoke which was full of experience,I saw the little innocence in him covered with the guilt, regrets and dissapointment of a life once lived.Even though  i knew next to nothing about him, something striked a balance between us. And probably that night will change our view of life forever. so, left the stranger to swim in the thoughts of who could be just like he left me swimming in mine.

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