Wednesday 23 July 2014

Call for Entries: Write Poem on Death

If you have written, or wish to write a poem on the theme of death, you can send your poem(s) for this anthology.

The title of the anthology is The Rape of Death. Opeyemi Ojatula, Samuel Oluwatobi Olatunji, and Melody Kuku will be the editors. The trio are students of the Department of English, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

We seek poems in any format, but ensure to stick to the central theme of death. Send up to 6 poems of not more than 50 lines each in a single word file (.doc/docx).

Please send your submission to any of the emails below: Subject of the email: Title of poem(s), separated by a comma if more than one; full name; and country of residence.

All poems must be in English, Times New Roman, point 12. Send a short bio, written in the third-person pronoun, of not more than hundred words in the body of your email, but your poems should be attached to the email. Deadline: 31/08/2014

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