Monday 16 February 2015


I would not have expected so much as to say that I would be 419ed into a conversation I had felt had existed long before we met on that Saturday. My eyes had blurred with despair and disappointment when I encountered the mass of people that had arrived at the expected venue that morning; the 7:30 morning. I saw the eyes stare at me from my front, back and side eyes. ‘ Oh! A lady with a guitar’. But my eyes and facial expressions may have failed me, because I remembered looking at the mirror when I was once angry and my face had been emotionless. My disinterest and non-commitment to comply with their ‘play for me’ might not have been noticed. But this was not what had really bothered me enough to create a lingering memory in my head. It was you with the glasses that came looking scared, holding a capo, like the one I had once bought. It was spoiled in the same manner as mine had spoiled and you looked unto my capo as if your life depended on it. You might have cried eventually if I had said No because you were to me but a stranger requesting to make use of my capo which will be given back in a few minute. I had resigned to the fact that I would be compelled to give you a resounding No because my greatest fear was not because I did not know you, it was because I did not remember faces. Your face might melt away immediately you left.” ‘I saw you with Dotun; please can I have your capo? Okay let me give you my phone so I can call my number when I am done” You said to assure my dumbfounded, perplexed and extremely wondering face or my intended dumbfounded, perplexed and extremely wondering face. I softened a little. ‘Of course I knew who Dotun was! He was the guy I had met last semester and had seen him only once’. I also think I remember seeing you, with that same glasses and same haircut. You were seated beside me. You were with Dotun. Although you were taller and more outspoken, I remembered you had chased me away with your ever domineering quietness and I had shrunk to my thoughts. And there you were all talking at the phase of a want; the capo. I must confess I was shocked that you also sing, with your entire introverted prowess you could afford music and strangely, perhaps, have a great voice. You called me soon enough and thanked me relaying your ordeal and that you do not think you were chosen. You told me you were going because Dotun was waiting for you and I wondered aloud ‘is Dotun here too?’ You did not wait to reply, you trotted off without forgetting to have my number.  After we had spoken on the phone for countless number of times, you were still able to maintain my surprise. You were friendlier and conversed better than the person I had met earlier who had been rather cold.’ How little things change so many things I had thought. But you would surprise me even more when you told me of a Dotun I never formed an acquaintance with. Your Dotun was not my Dotun and I had been talking to a stranger who I thought was familiar. But you were really a stranger and that was the first time I would meet you. You were not the quiet guy I had met the other day, you were someone else. But in all of your strangeness, we connected. I felt I had known you longer than that Saturday. You were the friendly stranger; the perfect coincidence. Happy belated valentine.