Thursday 13 February 2014

magical thoughts two

In finding the things we want, we go the extra mile; jumping through un imaginable hoops, fighting fears and walking through heavy storms. But when we finally get that which we want, we suddenly lose interest and turn it away until we lose it... Sometimes if we realise that its worth it, we go through even much greater risk, other times we just let it go and suffer the consequences... 
As he glanced at her he could tell she had seen a lot, gone through a lot, suffered a lot. The pain was glaring right in her eyes even when she laughed heartily. He knew this because he had been there and even gone through worse, he wished to end her deep pain, he wished also that he could be relieved from the confusion she had brought upon him. So because she stared at the moon he stared too 'its're beautiful' he said with wide eyes; eyes that told a love tale. She could see it but she did not fall for it. She felt uneasy, hate boiling up inside, that was the last thing she needed, 'why are men so selfish' she thought. She concluded she would not involve herself with any man until she forgot completely. She was not ready and one of the things he loved while sitting there on that night, the breeze gently caressing their faces, the night lit with the stars was the fact that they were together silently watching the moon enclose its body in the warm caresses of the tree... 


  1. Oh my God! This is awesome. I hope you go places with this. This is what we need in Nigerian film industry. Please teach them how to make stories

  2. This ayobami commentator is a dramatist sha

  3. Nice piece, your bes is yet to come
