Friday 7 February 2014

the magical thoughts

In silence and in hope I saw the sparks, the sparks in the eyes of this little child shining like a clear crystal under the grip of the sun. It was the moon that did it, the moon caught in the arms of a tree. She looked hoping to find something more surprising but what more beauty is it can she ever think of asides such. For a while, she thought the tree was selfish; making the moon stay in its warm caress but it brought such unfathomable happiness to her. This past few days had not been pretty good for her, perhaps an unexpected heartbreak made her sink into deep thoughts; deeper than Hades and Gehena itself, she had hoped for it but not expected it. It was all too coincidental, all too unimaginable all too soon. Perhaps she had trusted more than she bargained, perhaps she was not willing to look forward to see deeper and better things, perhaps her life had been so used to having him around and curling up in his arms like a shivering child. But no more, it was gone like a light and like the absence of light, she was left in total darkness, total abandon and though she was not alone she was lonely. As she watched the moon leave the caressing grip of the tree, she thought to herself if she wanted more if she wanted to love again, but like a faulty car that would not start, she just could not bring herself into that form anymore. Perhaps she hoped the future would decide what would become of her and the thought of dating again or getting married nauseated her. Her world of falling in love was closing in, her wisdom now more than before grew and even greater was her experience.
‘ peace to peace to peace to unending peace to unending inner peace to…what exactly am I saying? what am I who am I why do I know so much why do I allow these to bother me? To peace to inner peace to unending victorious peace. We can never be best of friends again it is just impossible’ thoughts circled round her head like the many men that came around circling her with promises she never believed. Her heart raised unexpectedly again and she paused looking at the boy beside her. He, just like her was overwhelmed with this magical tree... Glancing once in a while at her and being quiet to savour the spirit that came with that night.