Friday 5 August 2016

Back to using my Idle Pen, Been a long silence!

I can't believe its a full year and I have not posted anything on the blog. I am as well surprised as you may be as regards this.

However, I would tag this occurrence to a lot of issues ranging from school activities, laziness, writer's bloc, unseriousness, laziness, creating new projects, music, mood swings, procrastination, but mostly, school and music and my inability to manage time. I would solely blame this on myself.

As it is however, I'm back with stories as well as other events which will be showcased on the blog as well.

If you wish to know what I have been up to during these months, here are pages to go to:
Instagram, Facebook and Twitter : @celeste_earth
Facebook and Instagram: Ariyiike and @theariyiike

I will be publishing new stories. Thank you to all who have mailed me and stated their concerns as to not seeing anything on my blog.

I haven't abandoned it, I have just been a little silent. Welcome to the month of August. The series for this month is titled 'The August Falls.' Bless you!

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